
Hier sind die Lösungen zu den Grammatikaufgaben im letzten Newsletter


Unterstützung von Kindern und Erwachsenen bei der Stressbewältigung während des Coronavirus-Ausbruchs

Hier finden Sie gute Ratschläge von WHO (World Health Organisation) für die Öffentlichkeit zur Coronavirus-Krankheit:

Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak

Coping with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak

Stay safe!


#wirmiteinander – German Unification Day – Street Party 2020

30 years – 30 days

2020 – without doubt a special year: the 30th of the German Unification, but also of corona and hygiene regulations. We would have loved to celebrate freedom, diversity and democracy together with you at a glittering citizens‘ festival with colorful festival miles and great concerts, with people from Brandenburg, Germany, Europe and the whole world.

But in times of physical distancing we have decided to take a more responsible path … https://www.visitberlin.de/en/event/wirmiteinander-german-unification-day-street-party-202


Flights to nowhere

Map of B-52 around the world flight 1957. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Your word for Tuesday 18th of August 2020 is:

*** flights to nowhere ***

a) running away into the unknown

b) ideas leading to no result

c) flights taking off and re-landing

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*** flights to nowhere ***


flights taking off and re-landing


flights to nowhere = Rundflüge, die von (z.B. Taiwan) aus über benachbarte Länder und dann wieder zurück fliegen


“As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to make it difficult for people to travel overseas, two Taiwanese airlines are offering customers the opportunity to take a holiday FLIGHT TO NOWHERE.”

Yahoo News


“On a FLIGHT TO NOWHERE, Airlines Innovate Against Travel Bans”

With a large proportion of countries around the world not allowing any international flights except repatriation, airlines have been forced to come up with new ways to generate revenue. Although some travelers remain too scared to fly and people face travel shaming if they do, there are a growing number of people desperate to take to the skies again.

This has generated a new trend for flights to “nowhere”. It originally started with Taiwan’s Civil Aviation Administration organizing a flight that never actually left the ground. The idea was to recreate the feeling of travel and lift people’s spirits. The trip started like any normal one with passengers required to check-in, get their boarding passes, and go through the usual security and immigration checks. 


During the three hour flight, customers had a more sophisticated culinary experience than they would normally! The onboard food was a meal created by three-Michelin-starred chef Motokazu Nakamura with a choice of chirashi don (sashimi on top of sushi rice) or braised beef with noodles


China Airlines, EVA air’s main competitor, has jumped on the bandwagon and aimed their flight experience at children. The flight allows children to pretend to be cabin crew on a two-hour trip that takes off and lands at Taoyuan. In the morning, they take a course on how to be cabin crew and are given uniforms to wear for the sightseeing flight in the afternoon.

“On a FLIGHT TO NOWHERE, Airlines Innovate Against Travel Bans”
Michele Robson – Forbes

Read the complete article here:



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Thanks for your interest in my service.

Paul Smith


Copyright © 2000-2020 Paul Smith – One-Word-A-Day (OWAD) www.owad.de


How the English language has changed over the decades

All languages change over time, and there can be many different reasons for this. The English language is no different – but why has it changed over the decades?

Some of the main influences on the evolution of languages include:

  • The movement of people across countries and continents, for example migration and, in previous centuries, colonisation. For example, English speakers today would probably be comfortable using the Spanish word “loco” to describe someone who is “crazy”.
  • Speakers of one language coming into contact with those who speak a different one. No two individuals speak identically: people from different geographical places clearly speak differently and even within the same community there are variations according to a speaker’s age, gender, ethnicity and social and educational background. For example, the word “courting” has become “dating”.
  • New vocabulary required for inventions such as transport, domestic appliances and industrial equipment, or for sporting, entertainment, cultural and leisure reasons. For example, the original late 19th-century term “wireless” has become today’s “radio”.

Due to these influences, a language always embraces new words, expressions and pronunciations as people come across new words and phrases in their day-to-day lives and integrate them into their own speech.

What changes has the English language seen?


What do the changes mean?


Click here to read more.

QUELLE: © 2020 Pearson English, https://www.english.com/blog/english-language-has-changed/


10 hilarious German expressions

Take a look at this video by The Intrepid Guide

Expressions in this video include:

1. Da liegt der Hund begraben => Literally this expression says that’s where the dog is buried, but it actually means something more like „that’s the heart of the matter“ in English.

2. Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen

3. Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei

4. Du nimmst mich auf den Arm!

5. Das ist ein Katzensprung

6. Sich zum Affen machen

7. Der will eine Extrawurst haben

8. Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof

9. Er muss zu allem seinen Senf dazugeben

10. Ich habe Schwein gehabt

Check out the video to find out more about the amusing translations and their actual meanings, too. My favourite is no. 8: „I only understand train station“! What’s your favourite?



What does May Day have to do with the international distress call, „Mayday, Mayday, Mayday“? Nothing, as it turns out. The code was invented in 1923 by an airport radio officer in London. Challenged to come up with a word that would be easily understood by pilots and ground staff in case of an emergency, Frederick Mockford coined the word „mayday“ because it sounded like „m’aider,“ a shortened version of the French term for “ come and help me.“

If you want to know more about the history of the actual „May Day“ – 1st May, take a look at this interesting website: www.history.com/topics/holidays/history-of-may-day.

Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/jonye123-3777075/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4999078">Jan Haider</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4999078">Pixabay</a>
Bild von Jan Haider auf Pixabay

Coronavirus-Pandemie: Den globalen Ausbruch verfolgen mit BBC

„Inzwischen gibt es mehr als 1,2 Millionen bestätigte Fälle von Coronaviren in 183 Ländern, und mehr als 69.000 Menschen sind gestorben.

Die Vereinigten Staaten haben mehr als doppelt so viele bestätigte Fälle wie jedes andere Land, und mehr als die Hälfte aller Fälle sind in Europa aufgetreten, wobei Spanien und Italien am stärksten betroffen sind.“ Übersetzung der BBC Seite Coronavirus pandemic: Tracking the global outbreak.

Begleiten Sie BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation – mit dem aktuellsten Verlauf der Corona Pandemie mit wertvollen Graphen und Statistiken und üben Sie somit Ihre Englisch-Kenntnisse. STAY SAFE – STAY UPDATED!

Quelle: https://freesvg.org/coronavirus-act-responsibly (Abgerufen am 06.04.2020, 16:54 Uhr)


Our talented Stammtisch-VIP Pompilia Stoian-Lemperle

A slideshow by Emil Mateiaș. Music: „Friend dear“ sung by Pompilia Stoian-Lemperle. With this song Pompilia won, in 1966, the international competition from Mamaia, and in 1999, this song in its interpretation, was declared „Song of the century“! She is not only gifted with a wonderful voice. Her talents is also shown in the development of her painting skills. The slideshow definitely proves this.

Lucky enough, English Goes Global used to have their first classrooms across the road from Pompilia. We easily got to know her as wonderful neighbour, a good friend, a consulting and highly experienced language teacher, an After Work Stammtisch regular and on top of it an outstanding artist and entertainer. She can certainly tell you all about a very exciting life interwoven with languages and artistic activities.

You can find out more about Pompilia on her website and listen to some more of her beautifully melodic songs on YouTube.

Let’s hope that the current COVID-19 situation comes to an end ASAP. Maybe Pompilia would then be so kind to sing us a song at the next After Work Stammtisch! <3


Tips for learning English at home during the COVID-19 lockdown

Hier sind noch mehr Links von Webseiten, die z.T. kostenlose Grammatik- und Vokabel-Aufgaben sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene der englischen Sprache anbieten.