
Happy Halloween!

Hier sind einige Q&A Frage und Antworten als Witze zu Halloween. Have fun trick and treating!

Q: Why aren’t there more famous skeletons?
A: They’re a bunch of no bodies!

Q: What is a Mummies’ favorite type of dance music?
A: Wrap!!!!!

Q: What do little trees say on Halloween?
A: Twig or treat!

Q: Why do ghosts and demons get along so well?
A: Because demons are a ghosts best friend forever!

Q: What do birds give out on Halloween?
A: Tweets!

Q: What do blondes and Jack-O-Lanterns have in common?
A: Both have blank smiling expressions and are hollow inside!

Q: Why do witches need to wear name tags?
A: So, they would know which witch is which!

Q: What happened to the guy who couldn’t keep up payments to his exorcist?
A: He was repossessed, again!

Q: Why doesn’t anyone like Count Dracula?
A: He’s a real pain in the neck!

Q: What goes Ha-ha-ha-ha!, thud!!! and keeps laughing?
A: A monster laughing its head off!

Q: How many witches does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Depends on what you want to change it into!!

Q: Why can’t mummies go on vacation?
A: Because they’re afraid they’ll relax and unwind!

Q: What kind of shoes do baby ghosts wear?
A: Boo-ties!

Q: What did the skeleton say when his brother told a lie?
A: You can’t fool me, I can see right through you!

Q: What does a ghost swim in?
A: DEAD SEA water!

Q: What kind of roads do young ghosts haunt?
A: Dead ends!

Q: How can you tell if a vampire has a horrible cold?
A: By his deep loud coffin!

Q: What do you call two witches living together?
A: Broom-mates!

Q: Why shouldn’t you try to hug a spooky ghost?
A: Because all you get is a couple of handfuls of sheet!

Happy Halloween 2015!